I have develop two rolls of Agfa APX 100 (35mm) with Moersch Finol, a real interesting two bath devleoper mainly based on catechol.
One roll was made on a olympus Go Pro 100 with fixed time (1/100) and f value. Results are interesting, but was a "waste" roll (random shots, none interesting, family exit to a park near my home), put in the developer only for test.
The other one was made with a Minox 35 GT with exp set to 100 ISO but "x2" selector active (than should be twice the time). Scene was a summer night concert in Lavinio, Lazio, Italy.
In darkroom, under the enlarger (Durst M800) the last roll was simply wonderful! The negative was really easy to understand and print with Rollei Vintage 111 24x30cm baryt paper.
Minox 35 GT
Agphafoto APX 100
Finol 1+1+100 20*C as in info sheet
Enlarger print ("cutted" by scanner) on Rollei Vintage 111 Glossy 24x30,5cm